We place your messages effectively in all relevant print and online media, on radio and TV, and on all important social media platforms. We tell your stories to millions of users, followers, viewers, readers and listeners. We consult you, bring in our large, personal network, which has grown over the years, and place the right topics in the most suitable media.
Our PR & Communications services

Classic media relations, consulting and placement
We do classic media work, convey and implement your messages in interviews, technical articles or user stories, we organize and supervise press events and conduct media training.
We support you and your ideas, brands, topics, campaigns and events with contemporary storytelling in image, word and writing and put them in the right (public) light.
Online PR
We do online PR, understand the specific needs of online media, and deliver the right content in all the formats you need. We combine effective PR work with social media and digital marketing to ensure that your message reaches the right people.

Press events and media training
We organize and manage professional and efficient press events. In addition, we design, organize and conduct professional media training for you and your employees.
Our references

Unser PR & Communications Team

Vittorio Valente

Felix Wesseler

Mona Lehmann

Lisa Christeleit
Further services
We are a full service agency.
This also includes:
Social Media
We develop strategies for social media marketing, produce and manage innovative social media content for all platforms and always combine social and PR.
Talent Management
We help creators and TV personalities to get the most out of existing channels and to develop further.